When you ride in Davis Ca, you spend a lot of time on the flats. So unless you want to go up and down the overpass all day to get ready for riding the hills out at the coast on the Waves to Wine you have to go out to the hills. We ride through Winters about 25 miles out and go over Cantelow. It's pretty short and steep climb. This photo is from the top the first time over it this year. I did not have to stop going up which is a good thing. If you go over from the west side you are doing the steep side, but that's the way to go for me because the down hill is one of the greatest bike rides there is. A winding roller coaster with just the right steepness to get you flying but keep you on your bike. It makes the climb worth it. When the roller coaster is over though you are still 20 some hot, long flat miles from home though, best to have some friends with you and a full bottle of water.
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